Keto diet For Beginners: #1 Keto Roadmap 

Dreaming of improving your health physically and mentally? Get solid facts before deciding to become Ketogenic.

Your precious health. You know it matters to live a long and healthy life.

You always care what you eat to stay fit and feel good. 

But this buzz about Keto doesn’t go away from your mind. What if it’s a better way of eating than your current diet? But you can’t know it without filling information gaps about it. 

It would help if you had solid facts about Keto being health-friendly. 

Thus, a beginner’s guide to Keto is crucial for clearing out all the doubts and confirming or denying what you already know. 

Here is a list of what you should know about living a low-carb lifestyle:

1. What Do “Keto,” “Ketosis,” And “Ketones” Mean? 

The Keto Diet (Ketogenic diet) is a low-carb, moderate-protein, and high-fat diet. It focuses on drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing those carbohydrates with healthy fats. And this extreme reduction in carbohydrates (the primary energy source) puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. Here your body is forced to burn fat for energy instead. This adaptive state allowed humans to survive when food wasn’t available. 

Our body is created incredibly smart that it can thrive without the primary nourishment source for many days and still provide significant benefits.

While in ketosis (when carbohydrate intake is low), your body turns the fat into ketones, also known as ketone bodies, a type of acid that your liver produces and then sends into your bloodstream. So your body and brain could use them as fuel.

Using ketones is convenient. Why? Because ketones instigate the production of antioxidants and switch on many genes that can improve your health span, sleep quality, mood, and mental focus. Furthermore, ketone bodies enhance mitochondria – the central energy-producing units of your cells – which increases energy stores

Sometimes you will hear that fats are a more “clean-burning” fuel than carbohydrates. And this saying is born for a good reason because fat, as your fuel source, decreases glucose oxidation (glycolysis), which usually is the root cause of chronic diseases. By reducing glycolysis, you are contributing to better health and longevity. 

Let’s see a clear evident and concise explanation of ketones, ketosis, nutritional ketosis, and Keto-adaption described by Dr. Boz (Annette Bosworth, MD).

2. A Fat Burner Vs. Sugar Burner Smackdown 

Our brain and our cells are over 60% of fat. This number suggests that if the brain is made of fat, it needs more fat. But it’s not; fat is the best possible energy source for most human revolution. But too many people believe that glucose is the only fuel source for our bodies. 

Let’s compare what does it mean to be a fat burner and a sugar burner?

Fat Burner

    Sources: (1) (2) (3) 

Sugar Burner

Being a sugar burner may get you exhausted because you continuously have cravings, and if you are like me, you also want to take a nap after a carb-rich lunch or dinner. But today, I choose to be a fat burner and experience mental clarity during the day. What about you?

3. Choose The Ketogenic Diet Type According To Your Goals 

It’s a good idea to meet with your doctor or registered dietitian before going on Keto. So you avoid the health risks the new way of eating may contain. 

While you are waiting for an appointment, do some homework. And learn about each Ketogenic diet type that could serve your goals. 

Ketogenic Diet Type #1. Standard

Standard Keto Diet (SKD) or Strict Low Carb Diet is a diet that is very low in carbs (5 to 10%), moderate in protein (20 to 25%), and high in fat (70 to 80%). Eating these amounts of macronutrients requires a lot of discipline.

This type of diet is a great place to start trying to adapt your body to use fats as fuel permanently. Furthermore, to lose weight fast. And for those with insulin resistance. Strict Keto may help you if you struggle with emotional eating and food addictions.

According to Dr. Jockerspeople should limit carbs to about 20-50 g per day and moderate protein to 0,8-1,2 g per kg of body weight. 

Ketogenic Diet Type #2. Cyclical

Cyclical Keto Diet (CKD) is a diet where you periodically (usually once a week) consume higher amounts of carbohydrates (50%) to come out of ketosis to resupply glycogen stores temporarilyBecause your body needs some carbohydrates to function correctly, this helps balance blood sugar and improve hormone functions. 

You can do 2 days/week of carb update, but it might be hard to return to Standard Keto. You may sabotage your weight loss.

On carb cycling day(s), you can eat fruits, starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, squash, and even whole grains because eating whole foods enables you to return quickly to ketosis the next day. While eating processed food can bring you back to the Keto flu.

Ketogenic Diet Type #3. Targeted

Targeted Keto Diet (TKD) is very popular among high-intensity athletes who live a Keto Lifestyle but need more carbs for better performance. Since fat burners are metabolically flexible, their body is always ready to burn off the additional carbs. So they consume another 20-30 g of carbohydrates about 30-60 min before activity and after a workout to enhance recovery. 

Ketogenic Diet Type #4. Dirty

Dirty Keto Diet (DKD)  is like a standard Keto diet, but instead of eating healthy fats such as avocado and coconut oil, you eat foods high in “bad” fats such as bacon and cheese sticks, and cream cheese. 

Don’t practice this type of Keto diet frequently because processed foods don’t add as much nutritional value as “clean fats” do. So, it’s OK to have an ice cream and bacon cheeseburger sometimes. 

Ketogenic Diet Type #5. High-protein

Weight lifters and bodybuilders mainly use High-Protein Keto Diet (HPKD) to gain muscle mass, and it generally consists of 5% carbohydrates, 35% protein, and 60% fat. 

How to Choose The Most Efficient Keto Type And Still Succeed?

Once you try Keto, there are enough types to choose from. And the best one to start with is Standard Keto, and then move on with other types if desired. Take time and select the one which identifies with you. You can modify it. You can make it work for you. It all depends on what your goals are.  So, listen to your body and see how you feel once you are Keto-adapted. 

4. Hidden Keto Diet Benefits A Conventional Doctor Doesn’t Want You To Know 

Keto Diet Benefit #1. Increased Mental Performance

Looking to achieve your peak mental performance?

Staying in ketosis enhances the metabolism of brain cells which directly protects against oxidative stress. And all this leads to increased blood flow in your brain so that you can think more clearly without sudden energy drops.

Are you interested in a more scientific perspective on how ketosis benefits your entire brain? Watch the interview with neurologist David Perlmutter and research scientist Dr. Dominic D’Agostino below. 

Do you prefer reading? If so, immerse into the recent presentation (2019) of “Emerging Applications of Nutritional Ketosis”  by Dr. Dominic D’Agostino.

Keto Diet Benefit #2. Increased Physical Energy

Looking to increase your physical performance?

Since your body has a massive storage of fat, which can be used as energy at any time, you can go further with your physical activities, such as running or cycling, fitness competitions, rowing, and even MMA (mixed martial arts).

Can a Ketogenic way of eating bring you gold medals? Learn about it from Leslie Bonci, an expert in sports nutrition advises. 

Keto Diet Benefit #3. reversed (Pre)diabetes

Looking to reduce or finally get rid of your medications?

Running the body and brain on fat fuel enables people with diabetes to reduce blood sugar levels and even the need for medications. Who says that? According to the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2017, ketones lessen the potentially negative impact of high insulin levels. 

But don’t rely on this information alone, especially if you are on medications. Only your doctor can give you 100% confirmation to go or not to go Keto.

Keto Diet Benefit #4. Weight(Fat) Loss

Looking to drop some unwanted weight?

Ketosis powerfully facilitates weight loss from visceral fat stores. And there is much additional research done to confirm it. Let’s take an example of a randomized trial with women, comparing a very low carbohydrate and a calorie-restricted low-fat diet on body weight. After 3 – 6 months, women on a Ketogenic diet lost 2,2 times more weight than those on the low-fat diet, confirms one study done in 2003

Keto Diet Benefit #5. Abdominal Relief

Chronic constipation may be painful. Luckily, Keto Lifestyle leads to a calmer stomach, less gas, less pain, and cramps, resulting in an improvement in IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), confirms one study done in 2009. 

Keto Diet Benefit #6. Reduced Acne

High insulin levels play on acne, too. According to Keto nutritionist Maria Emmerich and author of “Keto-adapted,” high-insulin levels increase male hormones, causing your pores to secrete more sebum, a greasy substance, trapping acne-promoting bacteria. You may want to avoid this unattractive and unwanted condition of your face by simply reducing sugary/carby foods and replacing them with healthy fats. What about swapping potato chips for coconut chips?

Keto Diet Benefit #7. Reduced Risk of Death with Killing Diseases

People diagnosed with cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases early on have a chance to heal with a therapeutic Ketogenic diet.

Keto Diet Benefit #8. Reduced Frequency of Epilepsy

Initially, the Keto diet was invented for medical therapy for epilepsy in the 1920s. 

Keto Diet Benefit #9. Reduced Risk of Heart Disease

The Ketogenic diet may improve risk factors like body fat, HDL (the “good” cholesterol), blood sugar, and blood pressure, reducing heart disease risk. But still, more studies are missing to prove long-term improvements in cardiovascular disease. 

Keto Diet Benefit #10. Reversed Heartburn (Acid Reflux)

One study was made with European- and African-American obese women having gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD), where women reduced carbohydrate, sugar, and high-glycemic-index food intake. And by the end of diet week 10, mostly European-American (EA) women had reduced GERD symptoms and frequency of medication use. 

At the end of study week 16, most of women could get off their reflux medications and continue with the low-carb diet. Isn’t it stunning to eat tasty foods and feel good afterward? Even lean people like me can have acid reflux, commonly related “to a hiatal hernia, a condition in which the acid is coming out of your stomach, where it’s supposed to remain,” says Maria Emmerich in her “Keto-adapted” book.

Keto Diet Benefit #11. Reversed pCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

Usually, high-insulin resistance (eating excessive sugar and refined carbohydrates) can lead to PCOS, a condition related to infertility. One study shows that a low-carb diet may solve the problem. And Dr. Jason Fung confirms it. Other symptoms of PCOS include obesity, type 2 diabetes, and chronic inflammation. 

Keto Diet Benefit #12. Reduced Cravings

Biologically, ketone bodies suppress your hunger hormone called ghrelin and raise peptide hormone called cholecystokinin, which makes you feel satiated. Fats and proteins are filling, so you automatically decrease the calories you used to consume during high carbohydrate days. 

5. You Don’t Need Glucose For Optimal Brain Health Nutrition 

You can find many online sources recommending you consume 200 g of glucose daily, which 2/3 (about 130 g) is essential for brain needs.

But what happens today?

Most people over-consume sugar. And instead of experiencing optimal brain functions, after each carbohydrate meal, they feel sluggish. When insulin absorbs glucose from the bloodstream,  there is nothing left for the neurons. That’s why you have a temporary shortage of blood and nutrients for the brain, causing you to feel unfocused and lightheaded.

If you prefer to sleep after each carbohydrate meal, it’s a red flag that glucose isn’t your optimal nutrition for your brain.

Then what is it?

Ketones are an excellent replacement for glucose!

Once you become Keto-adapted, your liver will produce ketones from fatty acids through the ketogenesis process and will provide up to 70% of the brain’s energy needs, claims one study. While the rest of 30% of the brain needs new brand glucose will cover. Through the gluconeogenesis process, your brilliant body will produce its glucose using amino acids taken from protein and glycerol from fatty acids.

Furthermore, once you go Ketogenic, you’ll nourish your brain functions and receive a vast DNA bonus. According to neurologist David Perlmutter and author of “Grain Brain,” “If you could limit carb intake … and make up the difference with delicious fats and protein, you can literally reprogram your genes back to the factory setting; you had at birth.”  Sounds quite promising, right?

6. Who Should NOT Do A Ketogenic Diet? Or Still, DO it with a special Consideration? 

Usually, a natural and safe metabolic state of ketosis is confused with the dangerous metabolic state of ketoacidosis. It occurs in people with diabetes whose insulin levels are poorly managed.  

Who else needs particular consideration in eating low-carb food? 

According to Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, people with high blood pressure and breastfeeding mothers require careful adjustment, too. 

Below you can find more information about starting Keto, even though you are a breastfeeding mum or diabetic with high blood pressure.

This Is The Reason #1 Why Diabetics Should Watch Out Keto Diet

Even though a Keto way of living has many benefits, ketones have still gotten a bad rap, especially regarding Type 1 diabetes. Physicians and medical students become fearful when their patients are in diabetic ketoacidosis, meaning that insulin-dependent Type 1 diabetics don’t get enough insulin. Then their body starts to use fat for fuel. And what happens? The body begins to produce high amounts of ketones that become toxic.

According to neurologist David Perlmutter and author of “Grain Brain,” while the ketones production reaches dangerously high quantities, the patient loses a lot of bicarbonate, leading to a significant lowering of pH (acidosis), which is necessary for the lungs in order we breathe. This medical emergency can even lead to a coma or death. It sounds like a significant danger! But according to Dr. David Perlmutter, this kind of condition is quite rare, and it occurs in Type 1 diabetics who fail to regulate their insulin levels.

So, if you have diabetes, talk to your doctor before starting the Keto diet and prepare an eating plan which slowly brings you to a healthier you. Also, you may find the “Starting low carb or keto with diabetes medications” article written by Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt as a great starting point for considering Keto-adaption. 

Salt Is Your Ally, not Sugar, especially If Your Blood Pressure Reaches The Sky

Do you have high blood pressure? Are you avoiding consuming salt? If yes, Keto Big Picture invites you to research and learn new things.

American College of Cardiology (ACC) Guidelines on Lifestyle Management recommends lowering sodium intake to 1500-2400 mg/day to reduce cardiovascular disease risk. But having sodium levels fall below a certain level, people with high blood pressure experience headaches, dizziness, cramping, etc. 

So what if the problem of high blood pressure is not salt, but another white crystal, which produces harm?! Sugar may be much more related to distorted blood pressure than sodium, according to the study “The wrong white crystals: not salt but sugar as aetiological in hypertension and cardiometabolic disease,”

So, if you have high blood pressure, talk to your doctor before starting a Keto diet and prepare an eating plan which slowly brings you to a healthier you. Also, you may find the “Starting a low-carb or keto with high blood pressure” article written by Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt as a great starting point for considering Keto-adaption.

Embrace The Ketogenic Diet As A Breastfeeding Mom Carefully

It’s crucial to get enough nutrients while breastfeeding. During breastfeeding, a woman loses glucose through milk (around 30 g per day or even more). So standard Keto is not recommended at all.

So, if you are a breastfeeding mum, talk to your doctor before starting the Keto diet and prepare an eating plan which benefits you and your child. Also, you may find the “Eating low carb or keto when breastfeeding” article written by Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt as a great starting point for considering Keto-adaption.

7. Is Going Keto In A Long-Term Safe?

There are many buzzes online about the “dangerous” Keto Lifestyle. Potential storms include increased cholesterol levels, higher risks of heart disease, increased risk for kidney stones, excessive excretion of calcium, causing osteoporosis, constipation due to lack of fiber-containing foods, and deficiencies of vitamins and minerals due to restricting the wide choice of carbs.

There is always a danger when the balance is missing. The Keto Lifestyle is no different, but so far, it doesn’t show any signs of dying out anytime soon. On the opposite, it proves many times that people finally heal and return to a healthy balanced life. Of course, if they follow the guidelines that help them set up an appropriate meal plan rich in vitamins, minerals, and all necessary macronutrients, they can avoid the possible drawbacks.

Being an ordinary woman, who desires to extend her health and life span, I follow the researchers and doctors who prove by example that Keto is a healthy life choice. So I want to invite you to watch Dr. Eric Berg DCa person who made a massive impact on people’s lives worldwide, an educational video about Keto as a long-term solution (choice). 

Becoming Keto-Adapted Is Not An Overnight Process

Starting a new way of eating can be scary sometimes, but once you learn Keto basics, you get a strong foundation for why it’s convenient to go low-carb living. 

And knowing the facts backed up by science might inspire you to try this unique way of eating, even though your environment (family, friends) is against it. 

Becoming Keto-adapted is not an overnight process. Furthermore, it would be best if you prepared for it mentally. But don’t worry about it now. Enjoy the learning process about low-carb living and organize the information baggage for the Keto journey.

See you later in the article “Starting Keto? Here’s How To Find Self-Motivation To Succeed” and have fun while studying ways to be healthier!

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Agne Valu-e

After Agne started the low-carb diet in 2019, she felt lighter, energetic and experienced sharp mental clarity. Therefore, sustaining the Keto diet became a powerful health tool she uses today to hack her biology. Agne’s mission is to inspire you to turn a temporary Keto diet into an entertaining Keto Lifestyle.